Friday, May 30, 2014

There's always one thing .....

Made my to-do lists, followed my to-do lists.  Made my packing lists, followed my packing lists.  Booked our rooms, booked some tours, sold some jewelry I never wear and turned the money into "Cash Passports", the new version of AmEx traveler's checks. 

blah blah blah yada yada yada.

What did we miss?

The fact the in the UK, the official currency is still the British pound sterling, NOT the euro and most places really don't look kindly on the euro.  Big stores like Harrod's are coming around, but basically, you need to have pounds.

And we didn't want to get to Britain and have to get pounds at the airport, so we spent about an hour today getting pounds.  Wells Fargo keeps them on had and Gene is a customer, so problem was quickly resolved.  But sheesh, who knew?  (I know:  Sherri, if you're reading this, you knew, right?)


  1. Hey Carol, wow! That's good to know! Now that you mention England is on the pound, that sounds familiar. But I was last there before the EU :-). Looking forward to hearing about the flight and the landing and the weather--basically, everything :-).

  2. If I had been ahead of the game, I would have offered the British Pounds I have leftover for a good exchange, but then it wouldn't have been enough to get you through a week in the UK. Have fun!!! I am enjoying your blog already!
