Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Is it only Wednesday?

My goodness, each day is crammed full of adventures.  Today -- or at least this morning -- was Gene-planned.  He is a big prime meridian junkie and has sought out several in Arizona and California.  So this morning was his Mecca:  THE Prime Meridian.  As in 0 degrees longitude (or is it latitude?  I get confused).  And right there in Greenwich.  As in "Greenwich Mean Time" for all you BBC viewers. 

And so we journeyed to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich.  It's not hard on the Tube and in less than an hour, we were on the grounds of the Observatory.  However, to get to the actual Observatory, you have to go up a rather steep hill.  It's not for the faint-hearted, but those of us who bike all around Arizona OR go to the gym, point the treadmill at 17% and the speed at 3.0 mph managed to do it.  I was dreading it, but it wasn't as bad as I thought and it only took the 6 minutes the sign says it will take on the bottom of the hill.

Here are the fruits of our labor.  First, me, straddling the Prime Meridian. 

 And then the two of us, straddling the line and each other.  I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere, but this is a family blog so I'll end my comments there.

(Every time I see a photo of myself, I think:  "am I REALLY that short?")

After an easier walk back down the hill and lunch at a pub that was originally built in the time of QE I and then rebuilt in 1888, it was time for Carol to visit HER Mecca, as you may have seen on Facebook already.  But worth repeating here:
Here it is:  the store that offers everything -- everything! -- a Dr Who fan could possibly dream of or want.  And stuff they probably didn't ever dream of.  I'm now the proud owner of an alarm clock that goes off to the sound of the TARDIS.  That ought to wake me up on those rare days when I have to get up at a specified hour of the morning.  It's like Toys R Us for adults, although children find something they want as well.  Why hey!  it's a place where parents & children bond! 
And of course my journey was not complete without a photo next to a Dalek.  Looking at the photo, however (man, I'm even shorter than a Dalek!), I wonder if the Daleks are always irritable because they're short.  And they want to be tall.  Hey, Dalek, I feel your pain! 

And of course an actual TARDIS, used in a film I believe called "Invasion of the Daleks" or something like that.  It's a pretty cool TARDIS.  And the costume on the cut-out Matt is for sale.  Notice Benedict Cumberbatch over there in the corner.  The only non-Whovian item in the store.  Shows how popular he is.  They can have a "Battle of Sociopath vs the Nerd".  Yeah, that's cool.

Steps walked for Wednesday, June 4:  13,043, although we go out in a little while to seek out some pastries.  Up early tomorrow!  The Stonehenge Tour leaves at 8am!!

Okay, I'm done for the day.  Updated steps walked for Wednesday, June 4;  14,661

Total for the trip so far:  53,098

1 comment:

  1. You are having such a blast! I'm loving reading every entry. And your step-count--my goodness, woman! You're a superstar. Superstars, by the way, don't have to be tall. Their charisma makes them tall enough. And, when it's absolutely necessary, there's always special effects. :)
