Friday, June 6, 2014

Stonehenge Photos

As you can see, you're not up close and personal to Stonehenge, but close enough to take in their mystery.  It's still hard to figure out how the stones  were transported from some 40 miles away and an even bigger question -- how the heck the creators got those top cross-wise ones up there. 

When we were back on the bus, our tour guide asked us "So were they smaller than you thought they'd be?"  And most people said yes (although still pretty darned impressive).  And then he added "Yes.  Kind of like Tom Cruise". 

So here are my photos.  I took lots more because it seemed like as you walked around, each angle was more impressive than the one you just passed.

As you can see, it is still pretty impressive even from the distance they keep you at.  And as you can also see, the day was quite perfect.

These little guys came up from the ground and started noshing on the grass.  They were fearless and could care less that there was a rather large group of tourists standing around them taking photos like crazy.  Then I noticed that there were many such holes all around the place.  I would guess the underground houses a bajillion of these critters.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, Carol! And it was a gorgeous day for you! I did not see the cute critters when we were there. Are they little mice?
