Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Whew!  A whirlwind so far, but we arrived safe and sound yesterday (June1) morning, collected luggage, got approved to enter London and caught our ride to the apartment we got through Airbnb.  A lovely woman, her great son and their awesome bunny, Snuffles, as our hosts. 

We didn't waste too much time because the day was so lovely, with only a few clouds (Phoenix people:  the temperature was in the upper 60s!) and clear visibility, so Gene & I walked down to the Thames and took the London Eye -- an enormous ferris wheel that takes about a half hour to circle completely and gives you a smashing view of Big Ben, Parliament houses, Westminster and generally all of the London area in a 306 degree turn.

Last night, we experiences a "pop up" restaurant.  Joanne, our hostess, knows a chef.  He took over the upper floor of a restaurant and offered up a meal to 35 people who signed up.  A three course meal, lots of noise, lots of food and a bottle of wine later, we were done for the day.  Home and collapse by 10pm.  Slept straight through until this morning at 8:45!

Photos later.  We're off to Westminster Abby & environs. 

I'm keeping track via my FitBit of steps taken on this trip:

Monday, June 1:  16,441

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